Common Reasons for Taking the Class

There was a significant diversity in individual's reasons for taking this course. I only found one other student that shared a similar interest in specifically shaping the future of video games. This student was Andrew Leal.

Common Interest in Giant Bomb

I found another student who had an interest in Giant Bomb, Cameron Amos.

Common Usage of Spotify

Pretty much every student had some sort of interest in music. Not all listed how they got their music, but a large portion of the class used Spotify as at least one of their means of listening to music. This included Aaron Blasband, Cassie Bub, Natalie Cluck, Joseph Haney, Lauren Kleckner, Bishop Lopez, Hunter Lukken, Eileen Madrigal, Nathan Manickavasagam, Renee McCoy, Isaac Oviedo, Jonathon Phelan, Ryan Pigeon, Joshua Rao, Joey Sapp, Taylor Stephenson, Josef Sutorus, Christopher Tsao, and Uyen Vo.

Common Usage of SoundCloud

I found it surprising that even fewer students shared my interest in SoundCloud. These students included: Jacqueline Gonzalez, Grant Hruzek, and Hunter Lukken.

Common Interest in Anime

I found only one other student that shared my interest in anime, Christopher Wilcoxen.

Common Interest in Overwatch

A vast majority of students engaged with video games of one type or another, but I found several students who shared a similar interest in the game Overwatch. These students were Jacqueline Gonzalez, Spencer Harder, Grant Hruzek, Justin Jin, Kyle Koiner, Jonathon Phelan, Juan Hector Guadalupe Puga, Josef Sutorus, and Simon Sy

Common Interest in Podcasts

There were several other students who also listened to podcasts, however I found no overlap with my particular subset of podcasts, which I fould very surprising.